News 7609
Efforts to increase enrollment in preschool education has been studied
On June 2, 2023, the Committee of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on science, education, culture and sports held a meeting during it discussed the results of studies on the effectiveness of the work that is being done to increase the coverage of preschool education, create new places in kindergartens, increase the number of kindergartens, and significantly improve the quality of education, carried out in a control-analytical manner on the example of Andijan, Samarkand and Khorezm regions.
Recent years, Uzbekistan is carrying out a large-scale work to create an effective system of preschool education, aimed at educating a healthy and comprehensively developed younger generation, introducing effective forms and methods of education and upbringing into the educational process. In particular, favorable conditions created for the development of public-private partnerships in the field of preschool education serve as a fundament for further increasing the number of non-state preschool educational institutions and expanding the types of services they provide.
Efforts to fundamentally reform the concepts of human dignity and honor began six years ago, and they have an impact on today’s lives of our people. Citizens worldview has changed. The Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 defines a number of tasks in the field of preschool education.
As a result of reforms carried out in the field, today there are 6,598 public, 833 private, 1,313 public-private partnerships (PPP) and 20,676 family non-state preschool educational organizations working in the country. Noteworthy that 2.1 million out of 2.9 million children of preschool age (3-7 years old) are covered by preschool education.
It was noted that in 2023-2027, within the framework of the State Investment Program, it is planned to increase the coverage of children to 80% through the construction of 295 preschool educational institutions for 49,140 places, the reconstruction of 711 state pre-school educational institutions for 77,180 places, 69 of them on the basis of public-private partnership for 7,015 places, 11,513 family non-state Preschool for 481,362 places and 49 mobile groups by the end of 2027.
During the analysis of indicators of enrollment of children in preschool education in Andijan, Samarkand and Khorezm regions, members of the committee revealed that in the Andijan region out of 276,452 preschool children, 224,977 are brought up in 547 state, 19 private, 203 - on the basis of public-private partnership and 2 239 - family non-state preschool educational organizations. Also, in 11 MSGs in 5 districts of the region where there are no preschool educational organizations and low enrollment rates, 30 mobile groups have been formed within the framework of the Aklvoy project based on 5 converted buses to accommodate over 480 children; 27 new jobs have been created.
In Samarkand region, out of 356,760 preschool children, 242,433 are brought up in 735 state, 68 private, 127 on the basis of public-private partnerships and 2,705 in family non-state preschool educational organizations.
In the Khorezm region, 77,296 children attend public, 10,966 - on the basis of public-private partnerships, 32,561 - family, 488 - non-state preschool educational organizations.
It was noted that in 2023 it is planned to increase the coverage of children to 79.5% through the construction of one new state preschool educational organization for 360 places worth 5.0 billion soums; creation of an additional 720 places through reconstruction of 7 facilities worth 25.9 billion soums. Also by the end of 2023 through 3 public-private partnerships with a total capacity of 300 places, 150 family non-state preschool educational organizations with a total capacity of 5,250 places.
The deputies shared their proposals and recommendations to eliminate the problems and shortcomings identified during the study. They also agreed to exercise effective parliamentary control over these issues.
As a result of the meeting, the committee adopted a corresponding decision on the agenda item.
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