News 2777
The deputy is studying the problems in Khanka
Meetings of the deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Maksud Kurbanbaev with voters are being organized in Khanka district.
During one-on-one talks, the deputy studied the appeals of voters and took measures to eliminate the problems.
In particular, in an interview with Khosiyat Ismailova, director of Secondary School No. 30 in Olchin mahalla of Khanka district, she said that the school was facing a number of problems due to the growing number of students and the need for a 200-seat building. The deputy said that he would consult with the heads of relevant organizations on this issue.
M. Kurbanbaev said that he would meet with the district khokim to allocate land for the building and come to a definite decision.
The deputy's current business trip continues with voters in Yangiaryk district.
Uzbekistan SDP "Adolat"
Press Secretary of the Khorezm Regional Council
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