To the attention of the Ministry of Transport!

27.09.2021 17:09:13

When will the problems with public transport in the capital be solved?
As we see every day, since the beginning of the new school year, it has become clear that public transport in Tashkent does not meet today's requirements, and the system needs to be reformed.
It is known that in the morning passengers will try to get to the destination as soon as possible. Most of them are schoolchildren and university students. People who are in a hurry to work or go out of the house with some necessary work, women with young children, elderly people, guests of our city also use public transport.
Compared to previous years, during the busiest hours of the day, ie from 7am to 9am, the load on public transport in the capital is much higher, long queues of passengers in front of the metro station ticket office waiting to get paper ticketthere are cases of congestion. The congestion on buses and the congestion of private cars on the roads are causing a great deal of frustration.

Suyundik MAMIROV,
Adolat correspondent

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