Presidential candidate Bahrom Abduhalimov: "Where there is no spirituality, there will never be justice"

30.09.2021 10:09:22

Any state can achieve high development only if it has a solid spiritual foundation. Justice and spirituality are closely related concepts. According to the election program, in order to ensure the priority of spiritual upbringing, SDP "Adolat" considers it necessary for the state to register and preserve all cultural, historical, and natural monuments, allocate funds for them and create a "Code of Conduct in Society" based on our historical values.
Presidential candidate Bakhrom Abdukhalimov visited the Nurillaboy Palace in Khiva. Nurullaboy Palace differs from other palaces by its luxury, charm, and splendor. The candidate visited the Reception Hall of the ensemble, the Entrance Gate, the Summer Reception, the Five-Yard Complex, and the Isfandiyarkhan Reception. Khudoybergan Devonov got acquainted with the museum exhibits dedicated to his life and work.
The SDP Adolat considers it its main goal to create a legal framework to ensure moral security in the prevention of information attacks, the process of building a just society and a just state in Uzbekistan, strengthening the unity of our creative people, educating young people in the spirit of devotion to the motherland, the formation of initiative, devotion, moral qualities, various destructive forces, spiritual threats to destroy the spiritual world of our people. Where there is no spirituality, there will never be justice, - said B. Abdukhalimov.


Ahmadjon SHOKIROV,
UzA correspondent

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