"Tik Tok" ... Education ... Decline ...

23.01.2021 16:01:38

Today, the number of Tik Tok users has exceeded 1 billion in more than 150 countries around the world. Their number is growing at lightning speed day by day. It was found that in China, which is the most popular, 60 percent of its users are between the ages of 25-44, while outside China, the share of users over the age of 24 is 43 percent. It is obvious that the Tik Tok fans, who upload the videos they call humorous and present them to the public, are doing their best to increase their "subscribers" by counting their "likes" instead of applause. The most interesting thing is that no one can find any logic or essence in the actions of some of our leaders, who have rewarded and encouraged these "Tik Tok" members. What about the fact that in no other country in the world have Tik Tok supporters been rewarded? It is as if such an initiative has never crossed the minds of the leaders of any developed country, it has never occurred to me, it has made us crazy, as they wanted to say. In fact, in those countries, it is not those who show their public likes and dislikes, but those who have a strong scientific potential, work for the benefit of mankind and set an example for their peers with good deeds. In short, our children are the reflection of us, the adults, in the mirror. If we give them the right direction today, if we give them the right upbringing, tomorrow the finish line will be ours. With the knowledge, worldview, good manners, and ethics they have acquired today, they will find their place in life tomorrow and will serve the interests of our people. Tik-Tok, Likes, and similar nonsense steal their irreversible time. Therefore, I do not know others, but personally, I agree, even if the activities of these sectors in our country are completely limited. After all, in the words of some officials, it would be better to train "strong directors or cameramen" in the relevant educational institutions, in a professional field, rather than through training in the industry.


Adolat correspondent

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