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Mass propaganda event in Urgut

At the initiative of the Urgut District Council of the Social Democratic Party "Adolat" was held a public propaganda event under the slogan "The greatest and dearest homeland."The event was attended by party activists, deputies of local councils, ...
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Night lights were installed on the streets

Meetings with voters in the framework of the party's project "Face to Face with Problems" organized by the deputy group of the Romitan District Council of the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Adolat" were rich in appeals. In particular, there ...
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It is necessary to provide benefits to the population using gas and electricity in an energy saving mode

In recent years, in order to provide the population with uninterrupted electricity, large-scale work is being carried out on the construction of new energy facilities and transmission lines, the reconstruction of existing ones. It is planned to ...
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The activities of the party's press service were reviewed

In order to further strengthen the activities of the Press Service of the Social Democratic Party "Adolat", a meeting was held with the participation of press secretaries of the Regional Councils. At the meeting, opinions on suggestions and problems ...
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An anonymous message is worth consideration

On August 13, the Tashkent Plus telegram channel posted a critical video on the supply of drinking water in the village of Kokterak, Keles, Tashkent district.It states that drinking water supplied to the rural population is generally unfit for human ...
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The parliamentary inquiry yielded its results

Doniyor Yusupov, a deputy of the Kibray District Council of People's Deputies, is completing the work that has not been done on the territory of the Boyjigit neighborhood, where he was elected, within the framework of the 2019 Obod Mahalla program. ...
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The 10th Congress of the Social Democratic Party "Adolat"

The 10th Congress of the Political Council of the Social Democratic Party "Adolat" was held in the conference hall of Inha University in Tashkent. The event was attended by members of the Political Council of the Social Democratic Party of ...
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What changes are being made to the Tax Code?

On May 3, 2021, a regular meeting of the SDP faction "Adolat" in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis was held. The meeting considered in the first reading the draft law "On amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of ...
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Events dedicated to the essence of the Address are underway

In all districts of the Fergana region (province), the chairman and deputies of city and district councils of the party are carrying out propaganda activities to promote the content of the President's Address to the people and the Oliy Majlis ...
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The Adolat supporter was named "Student of the Year"

The number of our young talented supporters of Adolat is growing. In particular, Dalieva Ezoza Zokirjon qizi, a student of the Uzbek State University of World Languages, head of the Innovators' Council and the School of Translators at the Academy of ...
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