Tashkent city
"Tik Tok" ... Education ... Decline ...
Today, the number of Tik Tok users has exceeded 1 billion in more than 150 countries around the world. Their number is growing at lightning speed day by day. It was found that in China, which is the most popular, 60 percent of its users are between ...
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Why are the Sokhians confused?
We all know that Sokh district of Fergana Province (region) is an enclave. To get to the regional center one needs to go through 4 entry and exit posts. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 16, ...
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The Women's Wing Council of the party defined its responsibilities on the basis of the President’s Address
The Republican Council of the "Women's Wing" of the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Adolat" held a national online conference on the content and the important tasks facing women outlined in the Address of the President of the Republic of ...
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Address: 77 “a”Nukus str.,Tashkent city
Phone: 0371 - 215-67-62
Fax: 0371 - 281-41-19
E-mail: tsh@uzlidep.uz